Bisexual Memes: 31 Best Bisexual Memes

Are you ready to laugh and nod your head in agreement at the same time? Check out these 31 memes that perfectly capture the struggles and hilarity of being bisexual. From awkward coming out stories to navigating the dating world, these memes will have you saying "same" over and over again. Get ready to scroll and share with your fellow bi friends! Click here to check them out!

In recent years, the internet has exploded with countless memes that speak to the experiences of bisexual individuals. These memes not only provide a source of humor and relatability, but they also serve as a form of representation for a community that has often been overlooked or misunderstood. Whether you're bisexual yourself or simply an ally looking to understand and support the bisexual community, these memes offer a lighthearted and insightful look into the unique experiences of bisexual individuals.

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1. "Me Trying to Choose Which Gender to Crush On Next"

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This meme perfectly captures the struggle of having a crush on someone when you're bisexual. The struggle is real when you find yourself attracted to multiple genders, and this meme hilariously highlights the dilemma.

2. "When You're Told You Can't Be Bisexual Because You're in a Straight Relationship"

This meme addresses the frustrating misconception that being in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender automatically erases someone's bisexuality. It's a reminder that sexual orientation doesn't change based on who you're dating.

3. "Me Explaining to Someone That I'm Bisexual, Not Confused"

Bisexual individuals often face the misconception that their attraction to multiple genders means they're confused about their sexuality. This meme humorously captures the frustration of having to constantly explain and defend one's sexual orientation.

4. "When You're Bisexual and Find Out a New Celebrity Crush Is Also Bisexual"

This meme celebrates the excitement of discovering that a celebrity crush shares your sexual orientation. It's a fun and relatable moment for many bisexual individuals.

5. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Asks You to Choose a Side"

This meme humorously depicts the absurdity of being asked to "choose a side" when you're attracted to multiple genders. It's a common experience for bisexual individuals, and this meme captures the frustration with a touch of humor.

6. "Me Explaining to My Friends That I Can't 'Pick a Side'"

Bisexual individuals often find themselves having to educate others about the fluidity of their sexual orientation. This meme humorously addresses the misconception that bisexuality is simply a matter of "picking a side."

7. "When Someone Asks If You're Just Going Through a Phase"

This meme addresses the persistent stereotype that bisexuality is just a phase or a stepping stone to being either gay or straight. It's a frustrating and invalidating assumption that many bisexual individuals encounter, and this meme provides a lighthearted way to push back against it.

8. "When Someone Assumes You're Only Attracted to 'Hot' People"

This meme humorously challenges the assumption that bisexual individuals are attracted to everyone. It's a playful way to address the misconception that bisexuality is solely based on physical appearance.

9. "Me Trying to Explain to My Family That I'm Bisexual, Not Just 'Experimenting'"

Coming out as bisexual to family members can be a daunting experience, and this meme humorously captures the struggle of being taken seriously and understood by loved ones.

10. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Makes a Joke About Threesomes"

This meme addresses the stereotype that bisexual individuals are inherently promiscuous or interested in threesomes. It's a lighthearted way to challenge harmful assumptions about bisexuality.

11. "Me Trying to Explain the Kinsey Scale to Someone Who Thinks Sexuality Is Binary"

The Kinsey Scale, which measures sexual orientation on a spectrum, is often misunderstood by those who believe in a binary understanding of sexuality. This meme humorously captures the challenge of explaining the complexity of bisexuality to others.

12. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Asks If You've 'Decided' on a Gender Yet"

This meme playfully challenges the assumption that bisexuality is a temporary state of indecision. It's a humorous way to push back against misconceptions about bisexuality.

13. "When Someone Says Bisexuals Are Just 'Greedy'"

This meme addresses the harmful stereotype that bisexuality is fueled by greed or a desire for more partners. It's a lighthearted way to challenge misconceptions about bisexuality.

14. "Me Celebrating Bisexual Visibility Day"

Bisexual Visibility Day, celebrated on September 23rd, is an important moment for bisexual individuals to feel seen and supported. This meme captures the joy and pride of celebrating bisexuality.

15. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Asks if You're 'Half Gay'"

This meme humorously challenges the misconception that bisexuality is a halfway point between being gay and straight. It's a playful way to address the misunderstanding of bisexuality.

16. "Me Explaining That Bisexual Doesn't Mean '50/50'"

Bisexuality is often misunderstood as being evenly split between attraction to men and women. This meme humorously challenges that misconception and highlights the fluidity and complexity of bisexual attraction.

17. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Assumes You're 'Bi-Curious'"

This meme humorously addresses the assumption that bisexuality is simply a phase of curiosity rather than a legitimate sexual orientation. It's a lighthearted way to challenge misconceptions about bisexuality.

18. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Says You're Just 'Confused'"

This meme humorously captures the frustration of being invalidated and dismissed as "confused" by those who don't understand bisexuality. It's a relatable experience for many bisexual individuals.

19. "Me Trying to Explain That Bisexual Doesn't Mean 'Double the Options'"

This meme humorously addresses the misconception that bisexuality is about having more dating options. It's a playful way to challenge the oversimplified understanding of bisexuality.

20. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Assumes You're 'Straight Passing'"

This meme humorously challenges the assumption that bisexual individuals who are in straight-presenting relationships are somehow less queer. It's a playful way to push back against the erasure of bisexual identity.

21. "Me Explaining That Bisexual Doesn't Mean 'Half Gay, Half Straight'"

Bisexuality is often misunderstood as being half gay and half straight, which erases the unique experiences of bisexual individuals. This meme humorously challenges that oversimplified understanding.

22. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Assumes You're 'Just Experimenting'"

This meme humorously addresses the assumption that bisexuality is simply a phase of experimentation rather than a legitimate sexual orientation. It's a lighthearted way to challenge misconceptions about bisexuality.

23. "Me Trying to Explain That Bisexual Doesn't Mean 'Attracted to Everyone'"

This meme humorously addresses the misconception that bisexuality is about being attracted to everyone. It's a playful way to challenge the oversimplified understanding of bisexuality.

24. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Assumes You're 'Greedy'"

This meme humorously challenges the harmful stereotype that bisexuality is fueled by greed or a desire for more partners. It's a lighthearted way to push back against misconceptions about bisexuality.

25. "Me Celebrating Pride Month as a Bisexual Individual"

Pride Month is an important time for LGBTQ+ individuals to celebrate their identities, and this meme captures the joy and pride of being openly bisexual during this time.

26. "When You're Bisexual and Someone Assumes You're 'Just Going Through a Phase'"

This meme humorously addresses the persistent stereotype that bisexuality is just a phase or a stepping stone to being either gay or straight. It's a lighthearted way to